                Integer32, Counter64, TimeTicks,
                IpAddress, Counter32
                        FROM SNMPv2-SMI
                        FROM SNMPv2-TC
                        FROM CNT2-MIB;

        cnt2Transport MODULE-IDENTITY
                LAST-UPDATED "0308270000Z"  -- August 27, 2003
                ORGANIZATION "Computer Network Technology Corporation"
                CONTACT-INFO "Computer Network Technology Technical Support
                              6000 Nathan Lane North
                              Plymouth, Minnesota  55442
                              support:  +1-763-268-6600
                                 free:  +1-800-762-8061

                DESCRIPTION  "This defines the CNT proprietary Transport MIB."
                REVISION     "0308270000Z"  -- August 27, 2003
                DESCRIPTION  "Version 1.3:
                              Added cnt2TransportRoundTripLatency for latency measurement"

                REVISION     "0305290000Z"  -- May 29, 2003
                DESCRIPTION  "Version 1.2:
                              Added cnt2TransportNextHop for topology discovery"

                REVISION     "0301290000Z"  -- Jan 29, 2003
                DESCRIPTION  "Version 1.1:
                              Updated to SMI V2.
                              Updated contact information.
                              Changed comment on cnt2TransportResetTime to
                              correctly indicate it's units as SMI ticks.
                              Updated enums for - cnt2TransportProtocol.
                                                - cnt2TransportStatsReset.
                              Added cnt2TransportDestIfindex to indicate
                              the ifIndex the destination IP Address will
                              be forwarded through on output.
                              Corrected gramatical and typographical errors."

                REVISION     "0103090000Z"  -- Mar 09, 2001
                DESCRIPTION  "Created."

                ::= { cnt2Subagent 6 }

cnt2TransportTable    OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF Cnt2TransportEntry
        MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
        STATUS     current
                   "A list of Transport network link entries."
         ::=  { cnt2Transport  1 }

cnt2TransportEntry    OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX     Cnt2TransportEntry
        MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
        STATUS     current
                   "A Transport network link entry."
        INDEX      {  cnt2TransportSlotIndex, cnt2TransportIndex  }
        ::=  { cnt2TransportTable 1 }

Cnt2TransportEntry  ::=  SEQUENCE {
        cnt2TransportSlotIndex         Integer32,
        cnt2TransportIndex             Integer32,
        cnt2TransportBus               Integer32,
        cnt2TransportVid               Integer32,
        cnt2TransportLinkType          INTEGER,
        cnt2TransportLinkDesc          DisplayString,
        cnt2TransportLinkStatus        INTEGER,
        cnt2TransportIPtosPrecedence   INTEGER,
        cnt2TransportIPtosDelay        INTEGER,
        cnt2TransportIPtosThruput      INTEGER,
        cnt2TransportIPtosReliability  INTEGER,
        cnt2TransportRemoteIp          IpAddress,
        cnt2TransportProtocol          INTEGER,
        cnt2TransportCompressionOption INTEGER,
        cnt2TransportMaxXmitRate       Integer32,
        cnt2TransportResetTime         TimeTicks,
        cnt2TransportInPkts            Counter32,
        cnt2TransportInOctets          Counter64,
        cnt2TransportOutPkts           Counter32,
        cnt2TransportOutOctets         Counter64,
        cnt2TransportRexmit            Counter32,
        cnt2TransportOosHigh           Counter32,
        cnt2TransportStatsReset        INTEGER,
        cnt2TransportRawOutOctets      Counter64,
        cnt2TransportRawInOctets       Counter64,
        cnt2TransportWindowSize        Integer32,
        cnt2TransportSegmentSize       Integer32,
        cnt2TransportSegmentSizeHi     Integer32,
        cnt2TransportRoundTripTimer    Integer32,
        cnt2TransportHoldCount         Counter32,
        cnt2TransportHoldCountRatio1   Counter32,
        cnt2TransportHoldCountRatio2   Counter32,
        cnt2TransportHoldCountRatio3   Counter32,
        cnt2TransportTotalDisconnect   Counter32,
        cnt2TransportDestIfindex       Integer32,
        cnt2TransportNextHop           IpAddress,
        cnt2TransportRoundTripLatency  Counter32

cnt2TransportSlotIndex OBJECT-TYPE 
        SYNTAX     Integer32 
        MAX-ACCESS read-only 
        STATUS     current
                  "The slot index for this Transport entry"
        ::=  {  cnt2TransportEntry  1  }

cnt2TransportIndex OBJECT-TYPE 
        SYNTAX     Integer32 
        MAX-ACCESS read-only 
        STATUS     current
                  "The relative index of the bus number in this Transport entry"
        ::=  {  cnt2TransportEntry  2  }

cnt2TransportBus OBJECT-TYPE 
        SYNTAX     Integer32 
        MAX-ACCESS read-only 
        STATUS     current
                  "The network link bus number"
        ::=  {  cnt2TransportEntry  3  }

cnt2TransportVid OBJECT-TYPE 
        SYNTAX     Integer32 
        MAX-ACCESS read-only 
        STATUS     current
                  "The virtual circuit number VCI.  If ATM is used, make
                   sure this Vid is configured the same as the VCI.  Failure
                   to do so will cause unexpected results"
        ::=  {  cnt2TransportEntry  4  }

cnt2TransportLinkType OBJECT-TYPE 
        SYNTAX     INTEGER {
                           atm(8),           -- ATM OC3
                           ethernet(9),      -- Ethernet
                           fibrechannel(10), -- Fiber Channel
                           fddi(11),         -- FDDI
                           ds3e3(12),        -- DS3/E3
                           lane(13),         -- LAN Emulation
                           ipv4(14),         -- IP
                           unknown(99)       -- Unknown Link type
        MAX-ACCESS read-only 
        STATUS     current
                  "The Link type supported by the CNT Transport layer. " 
        ::=  {  cnt2TransportEntry  5  }

cnt2TransportLinkDesc OBJECT-TYPE 
        SYNTAX     DisplayString 
        MAX-ACCESS read-only 
        STATUS     current
                  "The description of the network link suported by the
                   CNT Transport layer"
        ::=  {  cnt2TransportEntry  6  }

cnt2TransportLinkStatus OBJECT-TYPE 
        SYNTAX     INTEGER {
                           up(1),   -- the link connection is up
                           down(2)  -- the link connection is down
        MAX-ACCESS read-only 
        STATUS     current
                  "The network link's status. The link status indicates
                   if there is communication between the local node and
                   the remote node. "
        ::=  {  cnt2TransportEntry  7  }

cnt2TransportIPtosPrecedence OBJECT-TYPE 
        SYNTAX     INTEGER {
        MAX-ACCESS read-write 
        STATUS     current
                  "The service precedence of IP Type of Service used by this
                   link. There is an 8 bit field in an IP datagram that
                   specifies the type of service a datagram is requesting (or
                   hinting). It may then be used by the network to determine
                   paths and precedence for a given datagram. The specific
                   bits used may vary depending on the network (see RFC 791
                   for more details). The IpServiceType attribute can be used
                   on a per circuit basis to specify the bits to be set in the
                   IP datagram's service type field. Each Transport IP datagram
                   destined for the DestionationIpAddress will have this field
                   set. This attributes only applicable to IP providers. The
                   service precedence is in bit 0-2 of the 8 bit IP Type of
                   Service field."
        ::=  {  cnt2TransportEntry  8  }

cnt2TransportIPtosDelay OBJECT-TYPE 
        SYNTAX     INTEGER {
                           normal(1), -- Normal Delay
                           low(2)     -- Low Delay
        MAX-ACCESS read-write 
        STATUS     current
                  "The IP Type of Service Delay option used by this link.
                   The Delay bit is bit 3 of the 8 bit IP Type of Service
        ::=  {  cnt2TransportEntry  9  }

cnt2TransportIPtosThruput  OBJECT-TYPE 
        SYNTAX     INTEGER {
                           normal(1), -- Normal Throughput
                           high(2)    -- High Throughput
        MAX-ACCESS read-write 
        STATUS     current
                  "The IP Type of Service Throughput option used by this link.
                   The Throughput bit is bit 4 of the 8 bit IP Type of Service
        ::=  {  cnt2TransportEntry  10  }

cnt2TransportIPtosReliability  OBJECT-TYPE 
        SYNTAX     INTEGER {
                           normal(1), -- Normal Reliability
                           high(2)    -- High   Reliability
        MAX-ACCESS read-write 
        STATUS     current
                  "The IP Type of Service Reliability option used by this link.
                   The Reliability bit is bit 5 of the 8 bit IP Type of Service
        ::=  {  cnt2TransportEntry  11  }

cnt2TransportRemoteIp OBJECT-TYPE 
        SYNTAX     IpAddress 
        MAX-ACCESS read-only 
        STATUS     current
                  "The remote IP address. This address is set when Transport is
                  DEFVAL    { 0 }
        ::=  {  cnt2TransportEntry  12  }

cnt2TransportProtocol OBJECT-TYPE 
        SYNTAX     INTEGER {
                                        -- user configurable **start**
                           u00(0),   u01(1),   u02(2),   u03(3),   u04(4),   u05(5),
                           u06(6),   u07(7),   u08(8),   u09(9),   u0a(10),  u0b(11),
                           u0c(12),  u0d(13),  u0e(14),  u0f(15),  u10(16),  u11(17),
                           u12(18),  u13(19),  u14(20),  u15(21),  u16(22),  u17(23),
                           u18(24),  u19(25),  u1a(26),  u1b(27),  u1c(28),  u1d(29),
                           u1e(30),  u1f(31),  u20(32),  u21(33),  u22(34),  u23(35),
                           u24(36),  u25(37),  u26(38),  u27(39),  u28(40),  u29(41),
                           u2a(42),  u2b(43),  u2c(44),  u2d(45),  u2e(46),  u2f(47),
                           u30(48),  u31(49),  u32(50),  u33(51),  u34(52),  u35(53),
                           u36(54),  u37(55),  u38(56),  u39(57),  u3a(58),  u3b(59),
                           u3c(60),  u3d(61),  u3e(62),  u3f(63),  u40(64),  u41(65),
                           u42(66),  u43(67),  u44(68),  u45(69),  u46(70),  u47(71),
                           u48(72),  u49(73),  u4a(74),  u4b(75),  u4c(76),  u4d(77),
                           u4e(78),  u4f(79),  u50(80),  u51(81),  u52(82),  u53(83),
                           u54(84),  u55(85),  u56(86),  u57(87),  u58(88),  u59(89),
                           u5a(90),  u5b(91),  u5c(92),  u5d(93),  u5e(94),  u5f(95),
                           u60(96),  u61(97),  u62(98),  u63(99),  u64(100), u65(101),
                           u66(102), u67(103), u68(104), u69(105), u6a(106), u6b(107),
                           u6c(108), u6d(109), u6e(110), u6f(111), u70(112), u71(113),
                           u72(114), u73(115), u74(116), u75(117), u76(118), u77(119),
                           u78(120), u79(121), u7a(122), u7b(123), u7c(124), u7d(125),
                           u7e(126), u7f(127), u80(128), u81(129), u82(130), u83(131),
                           u84(132), u85(133), u86(134), u87(135), u88(136), u89(137),
                           u8a(138), u8b(139), u8c(140), u8d(141), u8e(142), u8f(143),
                           u90(144), u91(145), u92(146), u93(147), u94(148), u95(149),
                           u96(150), u97(151), u98(152), u99(153), u9a(154), u9b(155),
                           u9c(156), u9d(157), u9e(158), u9f(159), uao(160), ua1(161),
                           ua2(162), ua3(163), ua4(164), ua5(165), ua6(166), ua7(167),
                           ua8(168), ua9(169), uaa(170), uab(171), uac(172), uad(173),
                           uae(174), uaf(175), ub0(176), ub1(177), ub2(178), ub3(179),
                           ub4(180), ub5(181), ub6(182), ub7(183), ub8(184), ub9(185),
                           uba(186), ubb(187), ubc(188), ubd(189), ube(190), ubf(191),
                           uc0(192), uc1(193), uc2(194), uc3(195), uc4(196), uc5(197),
                           uc6(198), uc7(199), uc8(200), uc9(201), uca(202), ucb(203),
                           ucc(204), ucd(205), uce(206), ucf(207), ud0(208), ud1(209),
                           ud2(210), ud3(211), ud4(212), ud5(213), ud6(214), ud7(215),
                           ud8(216), ud9(217), uda(218), udb(219), udc(220), udd(221),
                           ude(222), udf(223), ue0(224), ue1(225), ue2(226), ue3(227),
                           ue4(228), ue5(229), ue6(230), ue7(231), ue8(232), ue9(233),
                           uea(234), ueb(235), uec(236), ued(237), uee(238), uef(239),
                           uf0(240), uf1(241), uf2(242), uf3(243), uf4(244), uf5(245),
                           uf6(246), uf7(247), uf8(248), uf9(249), ufa(250), ufb(251),
                           ufc(252), ufd(253), ufe(254),
                                        -- user configurable ** end **
                           ip(255),     -- CNT IP  - 0x00ff
                           sap(34462)   -- CNT SAP - 0x869e
        MAX-ACCESS read-only 
        STATUS     current
                  "The protocol configured for use by this link."
        ::=  {  cnt2TransportEntry  13  }

cnt2TransportCompressionOption OBJECT-TYPE 
        SYNTAX     INTEGER {
                           on (1),
                           off (2)
        MAX-ACCESS read-write 
        STATUS     current
                  "Reflects whether compression option is turned on/off."
        ::=  {  cnt2TransportEntry  14  }

cnt2TransportMaxXmitRate OBJECT-TYPE 
        SYNTAX     Integer32 
        MAX-ACCESS read-write 
        STATUS     current
                  "The Maximum Transfer Rate of this link."
        ::=  {  cnt2TransportEntry  15  }

cnt2TransportResetTime OBJECT-TYPE 
        SYNTAX     TimeTicks 
        MAX-ACCESS read-only 
        STATUS     current
                  "The time in SMI (10 millisecond) ticks since the
                   statistics were last reset."
        ::=  {  cnt2TransportEntry  16  }

cnt2TransportInPkts OBJECT-TYPE 
        SYNTAX     Counter32 
        MAX-ACCESS read-only 
        STATUS     current
                  "The number of packets transmitted to the link"
        ::=  {  cnt2TransportEntry  17  }

cnt2TransportInOctets OBJECT-TYPE 
        SYNTAX     Counter64 
        MAX-ACCESS read-only 
        STATUS     current
                  "The number of bytes transmitted to the link "
        ::=  {  cnt2TransportEntry  18  }

cnt2TransportOutPkts OBJECT-TYPE 
        SYNTAX     Counter32 
        MAX-ACCESS read-only 
        STATUS     current
                  "The number of packets transmitted out from the link"
        ::=  {  cnt2TransportEntry  19  }

cnt2TransportOutOctets OBJECT-TYPE 
        SYNTAX     Counter64 
        MAX-ACCESS read-only 
        STATUS     current
                  "The number of bytes transmitted out from the link "
        ::=  {  cnt2TransportEntry  20  }

cnt2TransportRexmit OBJECT-TYPE 
        SYNTAX     Counter32 
        MAX-ACCESS read-only 
        STATUS     current
                  "The number of packets being retransmitted"
        ::=  {  cnt2TransportEntry  21  }

cnt2TransportOosHigh OBJECT-TYPE 
        SYNTAX     Counter32 
        MAX-ACCESS read-only 
        STATUS     current
                  "The number of out of sequence packets received"
        ::=  {  cnt2TransportEntry  22  }

cnt2TransportStatsReset OBJECT-TYPE 
        SYNTAX     INTEGER {
                           none(0), -- Reset no  Transport statistics 
                           all(1)   -- Reset all Transport statistics 
        MAX-ACCESS read-write 
        STATUS     current
                  "Setting this will cause the Transport statistics to be reset"
        ::=  {  cnt2TransportEntry  23  }

cnt2TransportRawOutOctets OBJECT-TYPE 
        SYNTAX     Counter64 
        MAX-ACCESS read-only 
        STATUS     current
                  "The number of bytes transmitted out from the lower interface
                   of Transport layer. This is the amount of data after 
                   Compression plus Transport header. "
        ::=  {  cnt2TransportEntry  24  }

cnt2TransportRawInOctets OBJECT-TYPE 
        SYNTAX     Counter64 
        MAX-ACCESS read-only 
        STATUS     current
                  "The number of bytes received in from the lower interface
                   of Transport layer. This is the amount of data after 
                   Compression plus Transport header. "
        ::=  {  cnt2TransportEntry  25  }

cnt2TransportWindowSize OBJECT-TYPE 
        SYNTAX     Integer32 
        MAX-ACCESS read-only 
        STATUS     current
                  "The current window size, value is number buffers outstanding
                   on the connection"
        ::=  {  cnt2TransportEntry  26  }

cnt2TransportSegmentSize OBJECT-TYPE 
        SYNTAX     Integer32 
        MAX-ACCESS read-only 
        STATUS     current
                  " Range from (0 to 65532) If this value is non-zero, 
                    this value is used for segmentation. If equal to 0, 
                    then TransportSegmentSizeHi is what being used."
        ::=  {  cnt2TransportEntry  27  }

cnt2TransportSegmentSizeHi OBJECT-TYPE 
        SYNTAX     Integer32 
        MAX-ACCESS read-only 
        STATUS     current
                  " Range from (0 to 65532) If this value is used when 
                    TransportSegmentSize is set to 0. This value is
                    passed in from user layer's MTU size."
        ::=  {  cnt2TransportEntry  28  }

cnt2TransportRoundTripTimer OBJECT-TYPE 
        SYNTAX     Integer32 
        MAX-ACCESS read-only 
        STATUS     current
                  "The current round trip timer. each count is in 50msec."
        ::=  {  cnt2TransportEntry  29  }

cnt2TransportHoldCount OBJECT-TYPE 
        SYNTAX     Counter32 
        MAX-ACCESS read-only 
        STATUS     current
                  "The current hold count."
        ::=  {  cnt2TransportEntry  30  }

cnt2TransportHoldCountRatio1 OBJECT-TYPE 
        SYNTAX     Counter32 
        MAX-ACCESS read-only 
        STATUS     current
                  "Incremented when an ack is received and there is no data 
                   on the hold queue and there is no outstanding (unacked) data.
                   It indicates that transmission is idled until more data 
                   is received from the user."
        ::=  {  cnt2TransportEntry  31  }

cnt2TransportHoldCountRatio2 OBJECT-TYPE 
        SYNTAX     Counter32 
        MAX-ACCESS read-only 
        STATUS     current
                  "Incremented when an ack is received and there is no data 
                   on the hold queue but there is outstanding (unacked) data."
        ::=  {  cnt2TransportEntry  32  }

cnt2TransportHoldCountRatio3 OBJECT-TYPE 
        SYNTAX     Counter32 
        MAX-ACCESS read-only 
        STATUS     current
                  "Incremented when an ack is received and there is data 
                   on the hold queue ready to be sent."
        ::=  {  cnt2TransportEntry  33  }

cnt2TransportTotalDisconnect OBJECT-TYPE 
        SYNTAX     Counter32 
        MAX-ACCESS read-only 
        STATUS     current
                  "Total disconnects at Transport Layer."
        ::=  {  cnt2TransportEntry  34  }

cnt2TransportDestIfindex OBJECT-TYPE 
        SYNTAX     Integer32 
        MAX-ACCESS read-only 
        STATUS     current
                  "The Interface index that data will get send out to 
                   cnt2TransportRemoteIp Ip Address."
        ::=  {  cnt2TransportEntry  35  }

cnt2TransportNextHop OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX     IpAddress
        MAX-ACCESS read-only
        STATUS     current
                  "The next hop IP address that connected to the Wan interface."
                  DEFVAL    { 0 }
        ::=  {  cnt2TransportEntry  36  }

cnt2TransportRoundTripLatency OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX     Counter32
        MAX-ACCESS read-only
        STATUS     current
                  "The current round trip latency . Count is in msec."
        ::=  {  cnt2TransportEntry  37  }